Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Iron Man Kris does it again!

Our own Kris Hansen has done the seemingly impossible - again. Last weekend he ran a 100-mile marathon on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. Runners were given 30 hours to complete the marathon and ran straight through the day and night. Kris said he finished in 27 hours. Not quite the same challenge as the Iron Man race he competed in last year, but definitely not shabby. He also said the scenery was beautiful, especially the panorama of the city lights from neighboring Bountiful and Ogden (that's a pretty good stretch). Wow, wait a view... Way to go, Kris. Congrats on another successful marathon!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Farewell, Brandon

Well, Brandon Boulter, our Director of Student Services, is leaving us this week. Tomorrow is his last day with MCC. He's off to focus on his web-based biz full time. His fun-loving presence will be missed on campus. Pop into his office to say goodbye if you have a chance.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Let's Zumba!

For the very first time, North is offering Zumba classes. Zumba is a dance fitness workout inspired by salsa moves. Mandy LeBaron is the instructor and is excited to get started. This is sure to be a great class. So, if you're looking for a new twist on your workout or just some fun, sign up now! Classes are on Tue from 7-8 p.m. and 8-9 p.m. The later class will have a Hip Hop slant. The cost is just $20 and the course will run for 10 weeks. Don't miss out - classes are filling up fast. I've already got my spot...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Let Your Voice be Heard

If you missed Chat with the Dean, visit the NMC Facebook page and let Dean Hamblin know what's on your mind. To be or not to be smoke free? The main topic of discussion for forums right now is whether or not we want to ban smoking at MCC. I know this is a hot issue, so visit the page and weigh in on it!

Transfer Night

Tonight is Tranfer Night at NMC. Schools from across the country will be on campus to talk to students beginning at 5. Don't miss your chance to talk to a college rep live. See ya there!