Monday, September 20, 2010

Sandwiches in the Dark

Psych 101 students made and ate sandwiches while blindfolded. Their instructor Charlotte Potter led them through the exercise to help them gain an understanding of what it's like to function unsighted.

It's Oktoberfest time!

Once again the time has come for the MCCF North Chapter's annual membership drive - A.K.A. Oktoberfest! Come join the fun - dance, sing, raise your glass and sample the traditional bavarian fare. (Here's last year's buffet.) The event is being held in Centennial Park at 615 W Earl Ave on October 1st. The festivities begin at 7 P.M. (UT time) - follow the sound of the live oompah band. $15 per person entrance fee at the door. Proceeds benefit the Mohave Serves scholarship.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Elect a Dreamographer

We've got your nominees, now it's time to get out and vote. Dreamographer elections for Fall 2010 are underway. The deadline is Fri, 9/17, at 5:OO pm. Vote at The candidates are Leysi Dockstader., John Cawley, Teresita Pipkin, Valerie Hammon, Charlotte Potter, and Kim Naylor. Congrats to the nominees!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And it's Big Dan's!

John Cawley conducted a blind taste test today to settle a little dispute among staff. The test compared local coffee retailers Espresso Creek and Big Dan's. Here John waits while Lorie Wyler weighs the options. Tasters compared hot chocolate, lattes and fraps from both establishments. Big Dan's came out ahead in all but the frap category. Some of the staff were surprised by their own prefrences. Thanks, John, for helping to clear that one up!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Congrats, TR!

Congrats to TR Dockstader the #1 winner of the golf ball guess contest run during Welcome Back week. He guessed 62 balls - exactly right on! Here's TR sporting his prize, a red MCC baseball cap. Thanks to everyone who entered the contest. Look for more contests to come.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nominate an NMC Dreamographer!

Hopefully everyone has seen the lovely blackboard message displayed in the front lobby of the student center that Leysi drew up to remind us to nominate an MCC Dreamographer from NMC (if not, you have now - see picture on left). If you haven't nominated any stellar MCC employee you would like to see recognized this quarter for their work, get on it right away! The deadline is 9/10/10. Nomination forms are available in the front lobby and can be submitted to Kim (or any other helpful staff member hanging about if she's not around).